About the Event:
This special event will debut groundbreaking data [SEE BELOW: About the Study] to assist Baltimore businesses in fostering more impactful and meaningful engagements with the city’s nonprofit sector. Unlike traditional events that follow a “listen and learn” format, this gathering will be interactive and engaging. Participants will collaborate in groups to delve into in-depth discussions, generate ideas, and formulate meaningful actions.
About the Attendees:
Attendees are Baltimore’s corporate and private sector leadership and those occupying positions directly responsible for overseeing and implementing philanthropy, corporate social responsibility, and/or employee volunteerism initiatives. This is an invitation only event.
Please reach out to [email protected] if you or someone in your network meets this description and would like to attend.
Please note: those representing nonprofits and community based organizations will be invited to participate in a later event.
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to see a complete list.
About the Study:
To better understand how Baltimore’s private sector and nonprofit sector can most effectively engage and maximize impact, Business Volunteers Maryland led a multi-pronged, multi-year study. The collective and anonymous feedback from the study’s focus groups and survey will be aggregated, summarized, and discussed for the first time at the Doing Good Better Summit in order to better understand the work, learn from peers engaged in the work, and maximize our collective impact.
Nonprofit Focus Groups
- The Business Volunteers Advisory Board convened 36 Baltimore based nonprofit leaders in one of five focus groups in order to understand their opportunities, challenges, and insights on engaging with the corporate community. Completed Winter 2023.
Corporate Focus Groups
- The Business Volunteers Advisory Board gathered 37 Baltimore based leaders and practitioners in corporate social impact in one of five focus groups to understand their opportunities, challenges, and insights on engaging with the nonprofit community. Completed Winter 2024.
Business of Community Engagement Survey
- This survey was designed to better understand and tell the story about how Greater Baltimore businesses and their employees engage in the community and the impact of this work on employers, professionals, and the region. Baltimore Neighborhood Indicators Alliance (BNIA) provided their expertise and an exploratory analysis of the survey data. Completed Fall 2023.
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About Business Volunteers:
For over two decades, Business Volunteers has served a unique and influential role in bridging the gap between corporate and community in Central Maryland. We recognize the transformational potential of private sector social impact and provide a suite of programs and services to guide, facilitate, and grow this impact on communities and within companies. With hundreds of business partners and thousands of community partners served in our history, Business Volunteers serves as a highly trusted leader in corporate engagement and a pivotal incubator of social change.